The Bohórquez Lab

The whole lab on Think Big Day!, December 2022, (minus Eric who was at class at the time of the photo, but he was around for the presentations)
The whole lab on Think Big Day!, December 2022, (minus Eric who was at class at the time of the photo, but he was around for the presentations)
The lab’s famous costume contest: Cryptozoology edition.
Diego is invited to present at the Charles Perkins Institute – The University of Sydney, The Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation – The University of Queensland, and the XIX Australasian Chemosensory Sciende Meeting in Hamilton Island – Australia. The Bohórquez Laboratory is thankful to all organizers with special appreciation to Dr. Eugeni Roura.
More here…
A scientist explores the mysteries of the gut-brain connection
Our second halo-gutsy custome competition.
Maya presents a summary of her work at the annual competition of the UNC – Chapel Hill Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease.
Dr. Sara Miller, the director of the Duke Electron Microscopy Facility, led a succesful effort to bring electron microscopy in 3D to Duke University. Our lab was there to help unbox the machine.
“Gut meets brain” at the #ideasqueviajan in Santiago, Chile.
Diego is invited back to Lecture to The Grass Fellows class of 2017. Thank you to all Fellows with special appreciation to Dr. Jenna Sternberg and soon to be Dr. Alexander Chamessian.
Gutbrains makes it to the annual TED stage in Vancouver…